Before & After School Programs

Our school day begins at 7:55 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. Students who need to be dropped off early and/or picked up late can take advantage of our Extended Day Services. There is an additional fee for both Morning Cafe and the Extended Day programs.

Morning Cafe:

  • Open 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM daily.
  • Students should enter through the Cafeteria entrance from the parking lot.
  • Students may bring breakfast, work on homework, or just socialize.
  • NOTE: On Delayed opening days, Morning Cafe opens at 8:30 AM.

Extended Day:

NOTE: All students are automatically registered for the after school program. If you unexpectedly can not pick up your child at the regular pickup time, you may call the school at 603-882-772, ext. 300 and your child will be notified of the change in plans. Do not text or call your student as students do not have access to their cell phones during the school day.
  • Open 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM daily (except on early dismissal days).
  • Students will be in the cafeteria until their ride arrives.
  • Parents should drive down to the cafeteria windows on Bartlett Avenue to pick up their students.
  • Students may bring or purchase snacks, work on homework, socialize, play games, or do crafts.
  • Weather permitting, students may go to the gym or outside to play sports.



Extended Care programs are billed at $5.00 per half hour increment. Through our multi-child discount, families are charged full price for the first child and at a 50% rate for each subsequent child at either campus. Parents are invoiced through their Family Portal on a monthly basis.


Please note: All Extended Care balances are due when billed on a monthly basis. If a family is past due on Extended Care payments above $100, they will not be able to utilize the program until that balance is paid.


Please be prompt in picking up your student(s), as an extra charge of $5 per each 5 minutes after 6:00 PM will apply.