Before & After School Programs
Our school day begins at 7:55 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. Students who need to be dropped off early and/or picked up late can take advantage of our Extended Day Services. There is an additional fee for both Morning Cafe and the Extended Day programs.
Morning Cafe:
- Open 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM daily.
- Students should enter through the Cafeteria entrance from the parking lot.
- Students may bring breakfast, work on homework, or just socialize.
- NOTE: On Delayed opening days, Morning Cafe opens at 8:30 AM.
Extended Day:
- Open 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM daily (except on early dismissal days).
- Students will be in the cafeteria until their ride arrives.
- Parents should drive down to the cafeteria windows on Bartlett Avenue to pick up their students.
- Students may bring or purchase snacks, work on homework, socialize, play games, or do crafts.
- Weather permitting, students may go to the gym or outside to play sports.
Extended Care programs are billed at $5.00 per half hour increment. Through our multi-child discount, families are charged full price for the first child and at a 50% rate for each subsequent child at either campus. Parents are invoiced through their Family Portal on a monthly basis.
Please note: All Extended Care balances are due when billed on a monthly basis. If a family is past due on Extended Care payments above $100, they will not be able to utilize the program until that balance is paid.
Please be prompt in picking up your student(s), as an extra charge of $5 per each 5 minutes after 6:00 PM will apply.